Monday, June 8, 2009

First day of camp....

Hahaha....i am back,this few days my computer spoilt......

On the first day of camp,i went out of the house quite early like around 6.15? Because i am meeting jing wen at 6.20 at the bus stop because i have to meet anqi for my P.E shorts at sembawang mrt station on 7 a.m and we have to arrive at school on 7.30 so we are a bit of late but it really did not delay whole but in the end it still delayed because of temperature taking and other stuff so we delay about 10-20 mins? when we are in school,we have to fill up a white card to arrive malaysia,before that i can go for malaysia,actually i have a fight with my parents because it was me that want to go for camp but my parents don't allow because it crash to the timing for my mother go to hospital to check up her backbone so luckily my father take a leave so when i have left the house,my mum ask my dad to accompany me to the bus stop because it was too early in the morning and my mum scared of my safety then ask my father to accompany and gave me something to eat..... When i was on the bus to the woodlands checkpoint,i was already miss my parents,but i told myself that must be strong,after a few days when i was back to Singapore,i can go back home already....... In malaysia,we took about 1 hour plus to arrived at kota tinggi???? Haha,i am not sure..... After we put down our bags,we gather at the shelter then we hop into the bus and arrived at the vegetable farm,it was quite warm there but after around 1 hour plus of walking then it begin to rain,we all run back to the shelther that we just now having briefing then it is quite fun lah,under the rain and the best thing i had at there is that i have my favourite plant,which is lalang then i brought back to Singapore,yah it was a very good thing to me..... after that we went back to our campsite,we have around 1 hour of wash up then actually we are follow by index number but we just secretly changed without the instructor know,hahaha.... Then we have our dinner,then we are going to the firefly cruise,which the flies is quite special,i think at Singapore it is hard to find it..... The light that its gave out was like the chirstmas trees' light,it was beatiful,the bus that we took,it was like roller coaster,it was very fast when i laid down try to get some rest.... Then we went back to our room,the room is quite small but normally this room have 2 double bed but i was surprized that it sqeeuze 5 of us in the room.... End of Day 1 the rest of the days i will slowly update